Tuesday, May 28, 2013




Friday, May 24, 2013


Everyone wants to have friends! Some people may think it is harder then others to get or make friends or keep friends, other people it is so easy to make friends & to keep them. Some times you can have a lot of friends but maybe they are not the right kind of friends. And maybe you only have 4 friends but they are the bestest friends in the world. Those 2 friends are always going to be your friends no matter what. And some times the person who has a hundred friends have the wrong friends, people who are only their friends because they are popular or because they have money.  I have been having this feeling a lot lately like people are nicer to me when they find out certain things about me. I love when people are nicer to me then usual but I just don't like that they are not my friend until they hear someone say I am an actress or for instance last week my mom had to come pick me up early from school so I could go shoot the BG&E commercial. I don't tell many people that I act & model, but my mom had wrote in the note to the teacher that she was picking me up early so I could go shot the BG&E commercial. So some of the kids saw the note & started being really nice to me. So when my mom came & picked me up from school I asked her how come people are nice to me when they find out I act & model. my mom said that I don't want friends like that. that my true friends are the friends who have been there before I acted & modeled & friends that I don't have to buy stuff for. which is a whole other situation that has been happening with me buying people stuff at school & spending all my snack money on other people & the lunch lady called my dad & told him. My mom says that I just want friends so bad that I think I can buy friendship. I guess I just want to be nice. If someone asks for something & I have it then I want to help them. I have always been like that. I give my toys away some have never been opened. I just like being nice & helping people. My mom has always said I have a huge heart & I do, but now I have my mom telling me that people are using me & I don't want them to use me because I would give them anything they want I just want them to be my friends because they like ME! I do have 4 friends who a few have been my friends since I was a baby & some I know would be my friend no matter what I was even if  I was a homeless girl. Has anybody else ever had any experiences like this? Would you rather have a lot of fake friends or a few real friends that love you. You should always treat people how you want to be treated. If you wouldn't want people to use you then don't use them. My mom always says stuff about Karma & I think that when you are mean & a bad person then something mean & bad will happen to you. I hope everyone likes my blogs. Thank you for reading them. Have an awesome day! We are getting ready to go to the movies. BYE EVERYONE!
If you like check out my website, click here...  Little Girl, Big Dreams

Friday, May 17, 2013

Great Experience!
May 16, 2013, Thursday-
Filmed my 5th commercial today! It was for BG&E & it  was a Principal Role & Speaking Role. I played an Hispanic Kid & I had a beautiful lady play my mom, her name was Lynette. She was really nice well everyone was really nice. Even though this was my 5th commercial, which is not a lot, but I still experienced new things like this was the first time I ever had a microphone hooked up to me. It was neat. I learn something new from every experience I get. I am so grateful to have these chances. I know that I am very lucky. I will never take what I have for granted. The make up lady, Terri, told me to realize my mom is great, but I already do. I know that I would not get to do the stuff I do if it wasn't for her. I have told my mom that I know I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for her.  My dad would do a lot of that stuff too but he has to work so he wouldn't be able to drive me  all around like mom does. Then there is other family who don't want me to act or model & then some just live too far away or others work like my dad, or are  too old & can't drive. I wish my whole family knew how much I love to do this & would support me no matter what but some of them don't & that makes me really sad. I hope everyone is able  to have their family support their dreams. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my parents. I also want to thank all the people who have given me that chance to be on their Commercial, TV show, Film, Shoot, Etc.. If it wasn't for them seeing that I had enough talent to do that part & having confidence in me or just thinking I was what was right for that role, then I would have never had the chance. There was this mom & her daughter. They were really Hispanic & I am not. So I guess they thought I had no chance of getting this part, even though I am ethnically ambiguous, which means I can play different ethnicity's but the mom said to the daughter "oh mommy, you got this, none of these little kids are better then you, they are no competition mommy", this is what the mom was saying to her daughter. So I kind of felt like she knew she had this part. but my mom said to go into the audition & do my best & have fun so I did & I guess I  fit what they were looking for. Has anybody  else had an experience like that? where someone was talking like nobody else there had a chance. like they wanted you to go home without even auditioning? I wasn't going to let anyone do that to me. Even if I  don't get picked I enjoy getting the chance  to audition. So I want to know has anyone ever had an experience like this? even I it is not with acting. it can be with acting, modeling, dancing, singing, skating, gymnastics, a real job interview,  anything that you had to audition or have an interview for and another person tried to make you feel like you weren't good enough or they acted like they were better then anyone else there. Thank you. From, Hope Mackenzie Perry

Monday, May 13, 2013

Proud to be Hope's mom!

Hello!  I am Hope Mackenzie Perry's mom & I was just sitting here thinking how lucky I am to have a daughter like Hope. Yes, of course Hope can get on my nerves, she is a 8 year old girl. But Hope is a great kid. She has a big heart, a beautiful soul & she cares more about others then herself. 97% of the time, she listens to me, she behaves, she's funny, smiling, being silly, working at something to help make her dreams come true & then that 3 % is when she gets in her little girlie mood where she just  has to be a 8 year old girl.. Emotional, Bossy & Aggravating, but then again how emotional, bossy & aggravating was I when I was 8? I believe EVERY child has flaws, no one is  perfect, especially children. They are still learning. It is our job as  parents, adults, teachers, etc.. to teach them to be good  people. To care about others, to help others, to listen to adults, to care more about being  beautiful  on the inside then the outside, stuff like that. I thank God every night for allowing me to be Hope's mom. I am so grateful. I know every parents thinks their child is unique & special, as they should, & that  is exactly how I feel. I feel bad that it took me 2 years of Hope begging me to help her become an actress for me to finally help her. I had my reasons at the  time, but I believe no reason is good enough for  holding your children back from making their dreams come true, unless their dreams will hurt them or others. Once I seen how much passion Hope had for acting, I had to help her. I realized she was going to take this serious & she is going to work as hard as she has to, to make her dreams come true. Well good night. Hope  will be back tomorrow!
Hello! This is Hope Mackenzie Perry's new blog. She has started a blog on her website Hope Mackenzie Perry's Website  but she wanted to start a new one where people can respond. Hope wants to meet new people, market herself, learn from others with the same interests & give some tips on different things. She first wants to write about her passion! So here it is:

hi! my name is Hope Mackenzie Perry, I am 8 years old & I live in Baltimore, MD. I have lived here all my life.  So I am a Balti-Moron!! lol. Well ever since I was 3 years old I have wanted to act, I have had a true passion for acting! My mom was not to set on the idea of her baby being an actress until about 2 years later. She seen how much I loved everything about acting. I would put on little skits & plays on everywhere, even in the bath tub :-) Yes, the bath tub. I would act like I was doing a commercial or like I was in a TV show or movie. I would have so much fun doing this. My mom finally took me to an audition at John Casablanca's Modeling & Talent Career Center, for acting classes. I had to audition to get in & I got in. I loved learning more & more about what I loved & I loved meeting people who loved the same things I love. I also started to learn more about Modeling & I come to realize I always had a passion for modeling too, I just didn't know it was called modeling. I have loved the camera since I can remember, my mom has pictures of me at just 2 & 3 posing for the camera. Plus, I have always loved being the center of attention! I still do! When I act & model I feel like that is where  I am supposed to be all the time, I feel complete. It is like something just draws me to acting. I am willing to work really hard to make my dreams come true. When my friends are out playing, I am inside reading a monologue or a 2 person script, or I am playing improvisation with my mom. When I read a monologue the emotion & personality comes natural. The thing I have to practice on is maybe sometimes reading not too fast, or pronouncing some of the words right. Those are the things I have been told to  work on by people. Everybody tells me what a character I am & I know I am a big dork! I love being a dork. I am not afraid to be silly, I am never shy & I love to make people laugh & smile. Well I will write again tomorrow. My mom is saying bed time. She will finish  this for me. Thanks or taking the time to read my new blog. LOVE, HOPE
Well we hope you liked Hope's 1st blog. If you like you can check out Hope's website by clicking here> HOPE'S WEBSITE http://saige.hopemackenzieperry.com
If you have any comments, messages or feedback we would love to hear them, Good or Bad?
Do you have the same passion or similar?
Do you have a dream your working hard to make come true?
Have a great night!