03/08/2014 12:01
I went to a Bullying event with my mom, dad & friend Lilly. It was called Ray Rice's Links of Kindness. Ray Rice is a football player from my favorite team, the Baltimre Ravens. He is against bullying & I thought it was real nice of him to have this event. At the event there was the family of a girl from MD. Grace McComas was 15 years old when she took her own life. When I seen her mom, Christine McComas talk at the event it made me cry, my mom cried too. My mom said she couldnt imagine loosing me & it really made her think. It made me sad because I am bullyied a lot. My mom says that outside of school & at my acting & modeling stuff I am 100% Confident but at school I am not confident. She says I use to be confident all the time even in school but ever since last year in the 3rd grade I have not been confident at all in school. I have been being bullyied just because of my size. My mom is short & so am I. I use to hate thatI was short & but I am starting to love myself again. I still dont like being bullyied & it still hurts a lot but I am trying to not let it make me harte myself. I never want to get to the point where Grace McComas was on that day when she took her own life. I wish she would have thought about it & thought, this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I know how much pain she felt though. It hurts me so much when kids do the "Hope Dance". They made up this dance where they get down real low to make their self shorter like me & dance around saying its the Hope dance. they say how there is a pre k student who is taller then me & this one girl will say to some people that i am too ugly to act & model. That is why I dont tell people I act & model. but this girl who use to live here would tell her friends when i did a job & she went with me so it ended up getting aroud to some other people that I have acted & modeled. but this one girl in particular will say "I dont know how she acts & models, she is ugly" "Nobody will ever pick her to be on tv because she is ugly" & she tells everyone her mom is getting her a really good agent & she is going to be famous real soon". It hurts me that people think i am ugly. I dont know why people cant be happy for me. This is why i dont want people in school to know that about me. I knew they would make fun of me. I love acting & I love modeling too I would never make fun of anyone for doing what they love. Just like when I see people at an audition making fun of the other actors. Even the moms do it. My mom told me to be happy for the other girls. She always says I need to be happy for the other girls & boys. She says "Of course I wnat you to get the part, but if you dont i am happy for whoever gets it. You cant get picked every time" & she tells me that just because someone dont get picked dont mean they are not beautiful or talented . it just means that they werent what they were looking for. I remember at the audition for BG&E commercial. They were looking for a hispanic girl around my age & I am Italian & Irish so I wasnt so sure I would get it but I still wanted to audition because first of all I love to audition & second my agent said I am multi ethnic that I look many ethnics. So there was a mom & her 2 daughters, only 1 of the girls were auditioning. My mom asked me if I heard what they were saying & I said yes. The mom said to her daughter "Look around mommy these girls are your compitition, HA, dont look like much compitition!" "You got this mommy" "none of these girls are as beautiful as you" "I bet non e of these girls have been on tv before, HA!". My mom said "Hope, dont let them get to you. Just have fun & BE YOU, I love you!" Thats what she always says before I go into an audition. So thats what I did & I got the job. But even if I would have found out I didnt get it, which I usually dont think I will get it & that one girl did get it, I would still be happy for her. I do think they were wrong for thinking that way. We have met a lot of nice people on facebook. my mom says that we are lucky to know so many other moms & kids like us. A lot of moms & kids in this kind of acting & modeling kind of stuff are mean & if you get something & their kid dont they hate you & will be mean to you. but we have met people who are like us. They want to see all kids make it. My mom & those moms want to see every kid make their dreams come true. Who will take them to auditions with us & try to help them. The only time my mom didnt really wnat to help a kid act was when they told my mom they didnt want to but her mom kept saying "Yes she does, take her with you". My mom didnt want to make her do something she didnt want to do. She tells me all the time if i ever get to the point where I am bord with acting & modeling she will not let me do it. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! I was born to act & I love it. I have never loved anything so much. Except for my family. I pray every night to please let me get that one big opportunity to make my dreams come true. I will work hard all my life to make them come true. I want nothing more then to be a famous actress in a big movie in Hollywood where people look up to me as a role model. Maybe I can make a diference then. I hope everyone is as passionate about something as I am for acting. SMILE & LAUGH its good for you :-)